Free yourself from routine tasks in your workflow with artificial intelligence.
Get UKTZED codes in less than 30 seconds.
94% accuracy in product classification.
It's Truly Impressive
BrokerAI, Your assistant that knows the Ukrainian Classifier of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity and relevant explanations, in total almost 3000 pages of regulatory documents. It can apply this knowledge to classify goods based on the text descriptions you provide or even just from a photo of the product you provide!
No more time wasted on routine tasks. BrokerAI transforms hours of work into minutes. Now, in a simple interface, you can determine UKTZED codes in seconds. Just describe the product or provide its photo!
Managers previously needed months to study customs classifiers, and often spent over an hour classifying just one product with about 90% accuracy. With BrokerAI, this process takes less than 30 seconds with an impressive accuracy of 94%.
Free up valuable time for your team to focus on more important tasks such as customer interaction and business development. Increase job satisfaction and reduce the risk of losing qualified employees due to the burden of routine tasks.
“As Meest Cargo, we utilize the capabilities of Broker AI for product classification. We are extremely impressed with the results: the classification quality surpasses that of humans, and the speed—seconds instead of hours. This tool has become indispensable for our customs declarants and logisticians, significantly enhancing work efficiency.”
“What impressed me the most was the simplicity of use and the speed of response. Broker AI is incredibly useful in terms of saving time when determining product codes. It allows managers who use Broker AI to avoid wasting time searching for codes for products we haven't imported before, or when there are doubts about classification. Additionally, Broker AI promotes a culture of growth and continuous improvement, which is essential for the long-term success of any organization. This product enhances our team's efficiency.”
“I was genuinely impressed not only by the speed of product classification using this tool but also by the ability to receive alternative classification options that should be considered. It truly feels like the future has arrived. Thanks to this solution, customs brokers will be able to save dozens of hours previously spent on routine work. The tool not only boosts efficiency but also significantly simplifies daily tasks.”
“I had the opportunity to test this product and was very satisfied. First and foremost, you can save a lot of time when preparing customs declarations, or simply verify your own work if you're unsure about a UKTZED code. ”